Where does WUM’s Water Come from?
Nearly all of the water provided by Water Utility Management is from the Floridan Aquifer System. The Floridan aquifer system, is a thick sequence of Paleogene carbonate rock which spans an area of about 100,000 square miles (260,000 km2) in the southeastern United States. It underlies parts of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina, and the entire state of Florida. The Floridan aquifer system is one of the world’s most productive aquifers and supplies drinking water for nearly 10 million people. Water Utility Management is committed to remaining compliant with state regulations and to being responsible stewards of the Floridan Aquifer.

Management of water resources is important worldwide. Just as American states must work together to share and manage resources, tribes, countries, and nations must do the same worldwide. As various groups seek to share a resource for which there is no alternative, there is sometimes competition and conflict over water. Water is surprisingly rare and infinitely valuable. Despite water covering 71% of the planet’s surface, more than half the world’s population endures extreme water scarcity for at least one month a year. Current estimates predict that by 2040, up to 20 more countries could be experiencing water shortages. These statistics raise a startling question: is the Earth running out of clean water? Balsher Singh Sidhu takes a closer look at water consumption.
[Directed by Kozmonot Animation Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Deniz Dogancay].